Page:Early Spring in Massachusetts (1881).djvu/253

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The yellow-spotted tortoise may be seen February 23, as in 1857, or not till March 28, as in 1855, a variation of thirty-three days.

The wood-frog may be heard March 15, as this year, or not till April 13, as in 1856, a variation of twenty-nine days.

Thus tried by these four tests, March fluctuates about a month, receding into February or advancing into April.

March 27, 1840. Think how finite, after all, the known world is. Money coined at. Philadelphia is a legal tender over how much of it. You may carry ship-biscuit, beef, and pork quite round to the place you set out from. England sends her felons to the other side for safe-keeping and convenience.

March 27, 1841. Magnanimity, though it look expensive for a short course, is always economy in the long run. To make up a great action there are no subordinate mean ones. We can never afford to postpone a true life to-day to any future and anticipated nobleness. We think if by tight economy we can manage to arrive at independence, then indeed we will begin to be generous without stay. We sacrifice all nobleness to a little present meanness. If a man charge you $800 pay him $850, and it will leave a clean edge to the sum. It will be like nature, overflowing and rounded like the