Page:Early Travels in India, 1583-1619.djvu/30

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ICALPM FITCH 1a&i—i 9 right wumhipftdl SW Edward Osberue knight, and M Weliani Starer. tIL’LVUS nd malrchnntR of Lunrion. OW skip my seire in a ship of I4Jadon caIIcd the Ter, wlwrein Wfl wcht for ‘rripolis in Sri and from thuoce wr tookc (he way for Mcppo1 which we weaL in scvca daycs with (1w eurovan.. &ix’g in Aleppo, umi fimling good cornpsnv, wc went from thence [ci Birut. which is two dayn gnu an balk tcovgdle with Ultra [Dir. or Birijik] is a little towne but ccry plentifall of victuals; and neere to the wall of the tawny rittinetli [he river of Eupkntus. flea we hougñt a Ijuate and agreed with a .iwster and hargemen, for Lt go to BabyLen. These Loots be but foe tine volage; for the slseame cloth mane so downewardes that they cannot retunw, They earle you to a towut which they eaR Itelugig [Feluja), iaucl tune you sell th linatu for a flue nioney. for that -which cost you little at BErn you sell there for seven or eight. From Ultra to Fclugia is sbth,ene daye journey. It is riot good that one Estate got aistre, for if it should chance to breake. you should have much a doe to save your goods from the Arnbians which be aiwayes theri abcjuts robbing; and in the nIghL when our boates be made Jhst, it is r*ceejssatic that you keepe good wutdi, for the Arubiaris that bee 1hecvin will come swimming and steak yaw goods isnd flte away against Which a gtuwe is very good, (or they doe feare It very much. In the river cit Eiiphnitn from Butts to Pelugin thea be certainc phien where you pay eitstonte, en uJany medines’ for a some or comela Lading, tad certaine raysons and sape’ which l far the Stones of Aborise,’ which is 1mM of the Arrsbt,ns and all that great desert, and buLb seine villages upon the jiver. F’cIugIa where you nalade y*nr gwds which come rrorn Dint. is a Jittit village; from wlivnec you gue to itabylon In a day. Babylon fflawtadl is a towac not very great bitt very populous, and of great Iruflike of strangers, 1W that it is the In °°vrn [row FederIrl, F’itá lai omitted the wuni wsJSins or (ma tho Eugiish trwljutlmn lies it cLkkns. This was the gold zathiso of Venin,, würth about evsn .liilhinga Engliidh. A Twidib coin equhakat to shoal [her lu*lipeima. ‘ Probably a wisprinL tmr Bcluo’,I bati. ‘Aba lUah. te114 speala of 1,im as hvin at Saab, on thu tupbntas.