Page:Early poems of William Morris.djvu/63

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King Arthur's Tomb

"Banner, and sword, and shield, you dare not pray to die,
Lest you meet Arthur in the other world,
And, knowing who you are, he pass you by,
Taking short turns that he may watch you curl'd

"Body and face and limbs in agony,
Lest he weep presently and go away,
Saying, 'I loved him once,' with a sad sigh—
Now I have slain him, Lord, let me go too, I pray.
[Launcelot falls.

"Alas, alas! I know not what to do.
If I run fast it is perchance that I
May fall and stun myself, much better so,
Never, never again! not even when I die."

Launcelot, on awaking

"I stretch'd my hands towards her and fell down,
How long I lay in swoon I cannot tell:
My head and hands were bleeding from the stone,
When I rose up, also I heard a bell."