Page:Early western travels, 1748-1846 (1907 Volume 29).djvu/118

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Father Point, S. J.;[1] drawings of such exquisite perfection, that they would do honor to any master: and the more admirable, from the circumstance of their having been executed with the pen, in the midst of the privations and difficulties of his remote and arduous missions.

In conclusion, I cannot but express the pleasure, instruction, and edification, I have derived from the careful perusal of these beautiful letters: and I feel convinced that they will prove, to all who read them, a source of interest and delight which few volumes of the same dimensions can open to the intellectual and Christian reader.

C. C. P.

New-York, August 1st, 1847.

  1. For a brief sketch of Father Nicolas Point see De Smet's Letters in our volume xxvii, p. 192, note 67.—Ed.