Page:Early western travels, 1748-1846 (1907 Volume 3).djvu/386

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          June | Observations
            Thermometer |
—————-+———-+———+——-+ Greatest degree of heat on the 17th
  Times of |Highest|Lowest|Mean | and 27th, least on the 6th. Rain on the
observation| | | | 4th, 5th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 18th, and
—————-+———-+———+——-+ 19th. The remainder of the month
    A.M. | 76 | 61 | 69 | pleasant. No days smoky.
     M. | 83 | 72 | 78 |
    P.M. | 87 | 72 | 83 | The meazles have prevailed this, and
—————-+———-+———+——-+ the preceding months, with greater
              Barometer | severity than had been known before.
           +———-+———+——-+ In many instances they proved fatal.
    A.M. | 28,80 |28,33 |28,54|
     M. | 28,81 |28,32 |28,56|
    P.M. |28,77 |28,29 |28,54|
          {85} July |
————————————————+ The greatest degree of heat was on the
            Thermometer | 12th and 13th; the least on the 6th and
—————-+———-+———+——-+ 7th. The termometer has stood at 90
  Times of |Highest|Lowest|Mean | two or three times at between III. and
observation| | | | IV. P.M. We had rain on the 2d, 4th,
—————-+———-+———+——-+ 16th, 17th, and 24th.
    A.M. | 77 | 64 | 71 |
     M. | 86 | 72 | 79 | For the two last months the prevalent
    P.M. | 89 | 75 | 73 | winds were from S.W. to W. We have
—————-+———-+———+——-+ very few winds from the east. Storms
              Barometer | are heard to roar in the mountains,
           +———-+———+——-+ fifteen miles south of this place, for
    A.M. | 28,79 |28,39 |28,58| one or more days before they come.
     M. | 28,80 |28,35 |28,59|
    P.M. | 28,78 |28,34 |28,57|
Note. The time of P.M. |
observation is a little past |
the greatest heat of the day. |