Page:Early western travels, 1748-1846 (1907 Volume 3).djvu/388

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"The most important project ever undertaken in the line of Philippine history in any language, above all the English."—New York Evening Post.

The Philippine Islands 1493-1898 Being the history of the Philippines from their discovery to the present time

EXPLORATIONS by early Navigators, descriptions of the Islands and their Peoples, their History, and records of the Catholic Missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial, and religious conditions of those Islands from their earliest relations with European Nations to the end of the nineteenth century. Translated, and edited and annotated by E. H. Blair and J. A. Robertson, with introduction and additional notes by E. G. Bourne. With Analytical Index and Illustrations. Limited edition, 55 volumes, large 8vo, cloth, uncut, gilt top. Price $4.00 net per volume. "The work is second in importance only to the original documents; to the student it is even of greater value, since it places before him translations of these historical data which would otherwise be totally inaccessible, and without which no work on the Philippines could be definitive."—American Anthropologist.

"At the present time few subjects are discussed so widely and so ignorantly as matters relating to the Philippines."—Chicago Chronicle.

"In addition to its value as accurate history, the work is full of interest and of suggestions of thrilling mediæval romance and adventure among strange scenes and wild people."—Philadelphia Telegraph.