Page:Early western travels, 1748-1846 (Vol 1 1904).djvu/174

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Delawares, d 600 Between the Ohio & Lake Erie, on the branches of Beaver Creek, Muskingum and Guyehugo. Where they live.
Shawnesse, d 300 On Scioto & branch of Muskingum. Do.
Mohickone, d 300 In villages near Sandusky. Do.
Goghnawages, d On the head banks of Scioto.
Twightwees, e 250 Miame River, near Fort Miame. On the ground where they live.
Wayoughtanies, f 300 On the branches of Ouabache, near Fort Ouitanon. Between Ouitanon & the Miames.
Pyankeshas, f 300
Shockays, f 200
Huskhuskeys, g 300 Near the French settlements, in the Illinois Country.
Illinois, g 300
Wayondotts, h 250 Near Fort Detroit. About Lake Erie.
Ottawas, h 400
Putawatimes, h
Chipawas, i 200 On Saganna Creek, which empties into Lake Huron. Thereabouts.
Ottawas, h
Chippawas, j 400 Near Michilimachinac On the north side of Lake Huron.
Ottawas, j 260

dDependent on the Six Nations, and connected with Pennsylvania.
eConnected with Pennsylvania.
fConnected with the Twightwees.
gThese two Nations the English had never any trade, or connection with.
hConnected formerly with the French.
iConnected with the Indians about Detroit, and dependant on the commanding officer.
jAlways connected with the French.