Page:Eastern North Carolina Encyclopedia.djvu/25

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Eastern North Carolina Encyclopedia

weevil well in advance of its advent. Other sections have waited until they have become devastated and bankrupt before beginning to fight. Not so with Halifax. Two years before the pest was due it began its fight for a diversified system of agriculture, and a "live-at-home" program, and now in the face of immediate entry of the event which has tried the souls of other sections, it is ready for the fight and will win because it is prepared.


Halifax County is justly proud of its schools, as much as a half million dollars being invested in one high school building alone. But it is not so much in the schools which are provided in the progressive towns of the county that it takes pride, but in the consolidated schools which dot the county from end to end. The old one-teacher crossroads school has given way to eight handsome district schools where the children are assembled daily by means of motor trucks over excellent roads.

White Leghorns, Halifax County

The property valuation of the rural schools of the county is placed at about $175,000.00, providing modern school buildings and facilities to meet the needs and requirements of around 2,200 pupils.


Education and good roads go hand in hand. Long before the State as a whole inaugurated its comprehensive program of road building, Halifax County had issued serial bonds and built its own roads and today, in addition to the road mileage which has been taken over by the State and maintained by them, the county has its own road building organization headed by an experienced civil engineer and road builder, and its collateral and county roads, which connect with the State highway system, are a credit to any section.

Consolidated School, Halifax County


An indication of the progress which the county of Halifax has made in a material way it may be stated that twenty-five years ago there were three banks in the county with total resources of $145,185.10, while today there are fourteen banks with resources of $7,111,729.99.


In the light of the above facts, facilities, advantages, and accomplishments Halifax County extends an invitation to any who may be seeking opportunity in a land greatly favored by a benign Providence.




Leisurely Grazing — Halifax County Profits are Sure
