Page:Easy sentences in the Hakka dialect.pdf/74

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Well, (in health) How; (get) how chon.
West See; see p'en t'eu, or see pen t'eu.
What? Mahk ki?
When? Key she?
Where? Nigh t'ahng? nigh mong t'ahng?
Whip, (horse) Mah peen or pen; (to) pen tah.
White P'ahk; p'ahk set; (as snow) p'ahk set set lea.
Who? Lah hah nyin; or nah – –?
Whole Wo(r)n ts'een ; wo(r)n hah; loong tsoong.
Why? Tsoh mahk ki?
Wide Faht.
Wife Low poh; (respectfully) kah ken.
Wind Foong.
Window Ts'oong moon.
Wine Tseeoo.
Wine-glass Tseeoo pooee.
Winter Toong t'en.
Wish, to Oy.
With T'oong.
With, to go Low.
Woman Foo nyee nyin; nyee nyin, poo nyong.
Wood Mook; (fire) ts'iee.
Work Koong foo; (to) tah koong; tsoh koong, or tsoh koong foo.