Page:Ecclesiastical History of the English Nation (tr. Jane).djvu/408

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Notes to ' Ecclesiastical History


156. ^* King of France. ^^ Clothaire, king of Neuslria.

158. Vitalian. Pope, 657-672.

163. Ebrin. Mayor of the palace in Neustria ; the rival of the Pepins.

163. Quentavic = St. Quentin.

163. '* TTie emperor" i. e. the emperor of the East, who still held the

Exarchate in Italy. 166. Ad Barve = Barton, in Lincolnshire. Lichfield. St. Chad was first

bishop. The see was an archbishopric from 789 to 803. 171. Iiiisbofinde. An island off the N.W. coast of Gal way. ^

174. Medeshamstead =^ Peterborough. *

175' Ceortesei == Chertsey. Bercingu = Barking. 182. " Apostle of the Gentiles." The church was St. Paul's, London. 184. Meanwara. Part of Hampshire. Wiccii. A tribe on the left bank

of the Severn. 184. Bosanham = Bosham, in Sussex.

188. Ethelwalch. Was king of the South Saxons, not of the West Saxons.

189. At the Stont ^^ ?)X.oxf^LV!. i^w^^'^i/ = Redbridge.

190. Eutyches. A presbyter of Constantinople, fifth century. He con-

fused the two natures of Christ. HecUhfield = Hatfield.

194. Coludi = Coldingham.

195. Grantchester. Near Cambridge. 202. Calcacestir. Site doubtful. 204. Hackness. Near Whitby. Begu = St. Bees. 213. Abercurnig = Abercom. 219. Lugubalia. In Cumberland. 223. Dacore = Dacre, Cumberland. 225. John = St. John of Beverley. 225. Inderawood = Beverley. 227. Wetadun = Watton, Yorkshire. 235. Raculph = Reculver. Genlade = the Inlade. 238. Pepin = Pepin d'Heristal, 687-714. 241. Wiltaburg = Wiltenburg; not Utrecht. 250. Adamnan. 624-704. It is doubtful if he really wrote the book De

Situ Terrae Sanctae here quoted by Bede. 254. Aldhehn. Bishop of Sherborne. The see was afterwards removed to

Salisbury. 256. Undalum = Oundle. 258. Stanford*^ Stamford, Lincolnshire. 263. ^^ His own monastery ." St. Augustine's, Canterbury. 278. ^^ Plague of Saracens.'^ This refers to the victory of Charles Martel

over Abdulrahman at Tours, A.D. 732 ; and the passage must have

been added after the rest of the History had been written.