Page:Eclogues of Virgil (1908).djvu/15

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Menalcas. Damœtas. Palæmon.

Men.Damœtas, I would know of thee; to whom
Belongs this flock of sheep?—to Melibœus?
Dam.Not so! 'tis Ægon's flock—lately he gave
His sheep unto my care.
Men.A luckless flock!
While with Neæra does their owner play,
Fearing lest she prefer my love to his,
This hireling robs his sheep, for hour by hour,
Twice does he milk the ewes, so cheats their lambs.
Dam.Nay, be not hasty to accuse thy kin;
All know of thee, that thou lett'st Virtue slip
While easy-going Nymphs smiled pleasantly,
But all thy he-goats turned their heads aside.
Men.That was when I stood hacking Micon's grove
With envious hand-bill.
Dam.Yes, or it might be
When thou, amongst the beeches old, did'st break
The bows and shafts of Daphnis: thou didst grieve,

Envious Menalcas, when thou saw'st the gift