Page:Eclogues of Virgil (1908).djvu/18

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Dam.From Jove the Muse begins;
All things are full of him: he guards the earth,
He listens to my songs.
Men.Phœbus loves me,
My gifts he welcomes—bays and hyacinths red.
Dam.Gay Galatea with an apple pelts,
Then flies to hide 'mongst willows, all the while
Desiring to be seen.
Men.Ah, but hear!
Amyntas, of his own accord, to me
Offers his friendship—so our household dogs
Know him as well as Delia.
Dam.For my love
Are plenteous gifts provided; I have marked
The spot where the doves build their lofty nest.
Men.And I have done my utmost; from the tree
Ten golden apples gathered for my boy
And on the morrow, more I mean to send.
Dam.How often did my Galatea whisper words
To my quick ear? Ye winds, I pray you waft
Some portion of them to the listening gods.
Men.Amyntas, though thou do not me despise
What boots it if I needs must guard the nets
Whilst thou canst gaily chase the rushing boar?
Dam.Send Phyllis to me, Iolas—it is
My birthday—come yourself and see
When the young heifer for the crops I slay.

Men.Phyllis I love above all women—she