Page:Eclogues of Virgil (1908).djvu/25

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Menalcas.Come, Mopsus, now so happily we meet
And seem so good a pair, why not remain
Resting in shade of elms and hazel copse?
Thou canst breathe music from thy reed, and I
Can harmonize some verses to thy tune.
Mopsus.Nay, thou canst claim, Menalcas, by thine age
The rule o'er me; choose thou (I will obey)
Whether we rest 'neath changeful shadow here
Or in deep shelter stay, in yonder cave—
See how 'tis garnished by the wild vine's sprays!
Menalcas.I know but one whose fame can vie with thine.
Mopsus.Will that one seek to rival Phœbus next?
Menalcas.Well, Mopsus, for thy song! first shall it tell
Of thy warm love for Phyllis—or the praise
Of Alcon, or the scolding Codrus flout?
Begin—while Tityrus doth tend the grazing kids.
Mopsus.Nay, let me try the songs I lately wrote
On a green beech bark, with the notes between.
Next, thou canst call Amyntas to the strife.
Menalcas.Ah, well! we all do judge thee to excel,
Amyntas, as the olive stronger stands
Than bending osier, or as low-grown reeds
Do yield in beauty to the crimson rose.
Mopsus.Enough, my friend, for we have reached the cave.