Page:Eclogues of Virgil (1908).djvu/27

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As carpet o'er the ground, and shade the springs
In his remembrance, then to raise a mound
And at its summit, just this epitaph—
"Lo, here is Daphnis! known in leafy groves
As well as in the skies—my flocks were fair
But I myself was fairer far than they!"
Menalcas.Oh, divine poet! unto us thy song
Is like sweet sleep that to the weary steals
'Mid the cool herbage—as refreshing streams
To men whose throats are parched with summer heat;
In voice and music, thou dost equal now
Even thy master—happy youth—indeed
Thou may'st be ranked with him. Yet, in my turn
If thou wilt listen to a song of mine
As best I may, thy Daphnis I'll exalt
And raise him to the skies—he loved us too.
Mopsus.No higher gift than that, could ye desire;
The glorious boy was worthy of the songs;
While of your verse, praise have I long since heard.
Menalcas (sings)The white-robed Daphnis, now at Heaven's gate
Marvels as he beholds—he sees the stars
And all Earth's clouds far far beneath his feet.
Now reigns gay pleasure in the woods and meads
Pan and his shepherds dance with Dryads young.
The gentle Daphnis loved both peace and rest.
So shall the wolf cease to assault the flock,
So shall no toils be set to ensnare the deer,
The untilled mountains cry aloud for joy,

The rocks, the groves resounding to the cry,