Page:Eddington A. Space Time and Gravitation. 1920.djvu/234

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  • Perihelia of planets, motions of, 123
  • Permanence of matter, 196
  • Permanent identity, 40, 193
  • Permanent perceptual world, 141, 198
  • Poincaré, 9
  • Point-event, 45, 186
  • Potentials, 80; Galilean values, 83
  • Potentials, electromagnetic, 172
  • Principe, eclipse expedition to, 114
  • Principle of Equivalence, 76, 131, 212
  • Principle of Least Action, 149, 178
  • Principle of Relativity (restricted), 20
  • Probability, a pure number, 178
  • Projectile, Jules Verne's, 65
  • Propagation of Gravitation, 94, 147
  • Proper-length, 11
  • Proper-time, 71
  • Pucker in space-time, 85

  • Quanta, 60, 177, 182, 200

  • Radiation-pressure, 110
  • Real world of physics, 37, 181
  • Receding velocities of B-type stars, 135; of spiral nebulae, 161
  • Reflection by moving mirror, 22
  • Refracting medium equivalent to gravitational field, 109
  • Refraction of light in corona, 121
  • Relativity of force, 43, 76; of length and duration, 34; of motion, 38; of rotation, 152, 155; of size, 33
  • Relativity, Newtonian, 40; restricted Principle of, 20; standpoint of, 28
  • Repulsion of light proceeding radially, 102, 108
  • Retardation of time, 24, 55; in centrifugal field, 129; in spherical world, 160
  • Ricci, 89
  • Riemann, 2, 89, 167
  • Riemann-Christoffel tensor, 89
  • Riemannian, or non-Euclidean, geometry, 6, 73, 84, 90
  • Rigid scale, definition of, 3
  • Rotation, absolute, 152, 164, 194
  • Rotation of a continuous ring, 194
  • Russell, 14, 197

  • St John, 130
  • Semi-Euclidean geometry, 47
  • Simultaneity, 12, 51
  • de Sitter, 134, 159, 179
  • Sobral, eclipse expedition to, 117
  • Space, conventional, 9; kinds of, 81; meaning of, 3, 8, 15; relativity of, 34
  • Space-like intervals, 60, 187
  • Space-time, 45; due to Minkowski, 212; partitions of, 54
  • Spherical space-time, 159
  • Standard metre, comparison with, 168
  • Stresses in continuous matter, 193
  • Structure opposed to content, 197, 200
  • Structure, geodesic, absolute character of, 155, 164; acceleration of, 195; behaviour at infinity, 157
  • Super-observer, Newton's, 68
  • Synthesis of appearances, 31, 182

  • Tensors, 89, 189
  • Thomson, J. J., 61
  • Time, absolute, 163; depends on observer's track, 38, 57; for moving observer, 24; imaginary, 48; measurement of, 13; past and future, 51; "standing still," 26, 160
  • Time-like intervals, 60, 187
  • Tracks, natural, 70
  • Vacuum, defined by law of gravitation, 190
  • Vector, non-integrable on Weyl's theory, 174
  • Velocity, addition-law, 59; definition of, 193; static character, 194
  • Velocity of gravitation, 94, 147
  • Velocity of light, importance of, 60; in gravitational field, 108; system moving with, 26, 56

  • Warping of space, 8, 126
  • Wave-front, slewing of, 108
  • Weight, of light, 107, 111; of radio-active energy, 111; proportional to inertia, 137; vanishes inside free projectile, 65
  • Weyl, 174
  • World, 186, 187
  • World-line, 87