Page:Edgar Jepson--the four philanthropists.djvu/21

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do much good? Of course it's very attractive. I can't think of a more delightful occupation than that of removing the so-called captains of industry. But will a few sporadic removals really establish a reign of terror? You must remember that with all the will in the world we should only he able to murder—I mean remove—a few of them."

"Every little helps," said Chelubai. "It will do some good."

"Well, as I say, I'm an honest gas-and-water Socialist; and when I set about improving things, I want to get a little forrarder; and you can only get forrarder on practical lines. This scheme is too Utopian for me—if it were going to bring in money it would be different. You can do a good deal for humanity with money," I said.

"No, no; let's keep it on the high plane," said Chelubai "Don't let's spoil it with anything mercenary. Besides, it can't be done. Introduce the money element, and you make it risky at once."

"Oh, I shouldn't mind the risk if it meant actually getting a little forrarder," said I; and I leaned back in my chair and tried to find some money-making aspect of the scheme.

"I never knew such beggars for getting bees in your bonnets as you two," said Bottiger.

"Wait a bit—I'm beginning to see it. Look