Page:Edison Marshall--Shepherds of the wild.djvu/137

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Shepherds of the Wild

open land for the stock to run in through spring, summer, and fall, feeding them just in winter. The land is either privately owned, public domain, school lands or government national forest: in this case it is—except for this big track we have been using—public domain. Of course the sheepmen had just as much right to it as the cattlemen, but because they wanted to keep all the range for themselves, they've driven off every man who tried to run sheep in Smoky Land.

"Oh, it was easy to do. Sometimes they did it just by threatening, sometimes by poisoning the stock, and sometimes ——"

Hugh leaned forward. "By killing the herders?"

"Yes." The girl's lips set tight. "I didn't know they would go that far, but Fargo's got a new right-hand man now—a Mexican named José. He's used to killing—he learned it in the South—and I haven't a bit of doubt but that he shot Dan last night. Perhaps they've killed before, but before it was always open warfare, at least. They've always won—and for all I see they'll win now.

"You see, as far as public domain is concerned, they've got a certain right to oppose the sheepmen. They were the first here, and cattle won't feed after sheep. But in this case there's a wide track—almost a whole township—through the center of Smoky Land that isn't public domain but belongs to an old woman