Page:Edison Marshall--Shepherds of the wild.djvu/257

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Shepherds of the Wild

for it—and if we get through to safety we can ride to a 'phone on the old Lost River road. Then we can 'phone to the ranger station, and they may be able to rush men in time to save some of the forest."

"But that wouldn't save the flock ——"

"No. We can't think of that, Hugh—any more. We've done what we could. We'll try to get the dog to follow us, and save him ——"

"Then don't wait any longer," he urged her. "And kill the horse if need be." His hands, a single instant, groped toward hers. "Goodby ——"

"Good-by?" she questioned; and for the first time a sob caught at her throat. "What do you mean? Get up behind me. It's the only chance ——"

Her eyes leaped to his face,—for the sight of a little weakness, a little sign of breaking strength. It was pale, even under the angry glow of the fire, but it seemed graven of white stone. "No," he answered clearly. "No, Alice—just one of us must go ——"

"Then I'll stay too. I won't go alone."

"Listen!" His voice, ringing out in command above the roar of the flames, held her and silenced her. "You're wasting precious seconds. The only way you can help is to ride—fast as the horse can run—and try to send rangers to make a last stand in the canyon, and maybe help me out with the sheep. The horse couldn't make