Page:Edison Marshall--Shepherds of the wild.djvu/293

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Shepherds of the Wild

shudder and fall, and only black trunks, dismal and ugly, would remain when the red scourge had passed.

The girl suddenly turned entreating eyes to his. There was only the dark shadow of fear in them now, none of the mad panic they had had in the nearby canyon. "Listen, Hugh," she whispered, just in his ear. "I have one thing to ask—the hardest thing of all."

Hugh flinched—ever so slightly—and an immeasurable dread came into his face. "Tell me what it is. I think I know."

"It's going to be hard because—you love me. And you do, don't you? I can't be brave if you don't. I want to keep remembering it ——"

He nodded, gravely. No words were needed to assure her. This strong shepherd could only speak truth at a time like this.

"But we're mountain people—and you know it will be the best. And it's because you love me—that I know you'll do it for me. To spare me—and then yourself. I'd have done it back there if my hands hadn't been tied."

He understood. Her hand stole around him and touched the butt of his pistol. For a long breath he waged an inward battle, and he called on all the powers of his spirit to give him strength. But it was true that they were of the mountains; and they saw issues straight. This was no hour for emotionalism and folly. The flames swept nearer; but with one press of his