Page:Education and Art in Soviet Russia (1919).djvu/27

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instruction is the mightiest weapon in the task of reconstructing modern society.

2. The technology of the present mode of production demands an all-round development of the individual, who must possess the ability to work and be equipped with polytechnic knowledge for various industrial fields. Therefore, a school of general science must assume the character of a polytechnic (vocational) school, while specialization and professionalism are outside the scope of the general science school and are the problems of the higher schools, or of educational training outside academic walls.

3. Manual labor must form an integral element of school life; all school children must participate in productive labor. The useful results of such labor should be made obvious to the students, having for its object either the direct creation of useful articles of consumption (chiefly for the needs of the particular school), or the performance of productive labor which only ultimately creates material blessings, as for example, caring for cleanliness, hygienic conditions of life in schools, etc.

4. The school becomes a productive commune, i. e., both a producing and consuming body based on the following principles, guiding the social education of children:

a) the principle of school autonomy and collective self-determination in the process of mental and manual labor;

b) the principle of satisfying all the children's needs by the children themselves;

c) the organization of social, mental endeavor (scientific bodies, magazines, collective work, etc.).

5. The school must offer the widest possible opportunities for the full play and development of the creative forces of the child. To accomplish this, the child must be reared amidst surroundings favorable to its mental and physical capacity, the presence of which should favor the greatest possible harmonious development of the child's body and soul. Essential prerequisites hereof are:

a) Self-activity of children in various fields of school-life, their independence and initiative while at work and a spirit of self-reliance in matters of everyday routine;