Page:Education and Art in Soviet Russia (1919).djvu/29

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to impose nothing on the people, and when we draw up certain plans, it is chiefly because the population itself, in the person of its organs of local social administrative units, requires from us a general outline and suggestions.


The next Document, No. 4, shows a serious desire on the part of the Soviet Government to provide teachers with ample and more or less uniform compensation. It is only in the light of such authentic documents that prejudiced utterances like those of Dr. Alessandro H. Carasso, in the Sunday Times Magazine Section of March 2, 1919, can be appraised at their true worth.


Regulation of the Soviet of People's Commissaires Con-
cerning Standard Remuneration for Teachers' Labors

The Soviet of People's Commissaires decrees:

1. To establish a monthly remuneration for teachers, taking as a standard length of a working day four school hours a day (24 hours or lessons a week).

2. Pending the establishment of a united school system, to preserve remuneration on the basis of yearly hours in secondary schools and wherever such remuneration has hitherto been in practice. In primary and higher schools, seminaries, etc., where monthly payment has been in force, such payments shall continue to be in force for teachers occupied with four hours of school work a day (24 hours a week).

3. Classification of teachers into "regularly appointed," "unattached," "substitutes," etc., is abolished.

4. All teachers (regardless of the particular subject taught, including instructors of music, singing, domestic arts, manual labor and physical exercises) shall receive a remuneration for their school labor on the basis of common standard pay and have equal pension rights.

5. Up to July 1, 1918, the same basis of remuneration shall be applied to lessons given above the prescribed 24 hours' standard.

Note.—An increase of the number of lessons above the standard for individual teachers shall be made in each single case in accordance with a special regulation of the Department of Public Education attached to the local Soviet of Workers' Deputies.

6. Remuneration of the labor of chairmen of pedagogic councils, up to July 1, 1918, shall be adjusted to a remuneration on the basis of 12 yearly hours; vice-ch2irmen and members of administrative