Page:Education and Art in Soviet Russia (1919).djvu/66

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problems of democratization of art, educational institutions of the Russian Soviet Republic.

Chairman of the Soviet of People's Commissaires,
V. J. Ulianov (Lenin).

Chief Clerk, Vladimir Bonch-Bruevich.

Secretary, N. P. Gorbunov.


The Soviet Government, as the reader will observe if he refers to Document No. 1, above—discovered that the bourgeoisie was selling its works of art and also looting public collections and selling their paintings to foreign collectors. As this was hostile to the artistic interests of the proletariat, the exportation of art objects was prohibited (Document No. 24); but in another field, the Soviet Government was eager to part with art objects, namely, such as had been taken by conquest or other dishonest means, from Poland, and, with this object in view, a census of such objects in Russian museums was undertaken (Document No. 25).


Concerning Export of Art Objects

The Collegium of the Commissariat of Education has passed a decree prohibiting the export and sale of art objects and relics abroad and laid it before the Soviet of People's Commissaries.

The Museum Section is preparing an instruction concerning this prohibition and elucidating the decree.

The Section invites representatives of the Commissariat and Custom House Department, with a view of cooperating in the solution of problems connected with the practical realization of the decree.



Governmental Enactments

From the Commissariat in charge of properties of the Rus-treasuries of the Russian Federated Soviet Republic.

To all museums, palaces, galleries and other art and science treasuries of the Russian Soviets Federated Republic.