Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/133

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How is the
Uranian Physi-
cally Satisfied.

As to what brings to the Uranian his physical gratification and appeasement absurd popular notions are plentiful enough, including those grounded on the ideas of bodily hermaphroditism. There is a general ignorance of this matter among otherwise educated people. The law confuses physical expressions of similisexualism, both active and passive. There cannot, of course, be precisely the same bodily conjunction, even when coitus analis or buccal coition are the processes, as when the opposite sexes unite. But the Uranian is satisfied without such perfect physical union. Nude embracements and close contacts genitally as a rule suffice for all the pleasurable sensations of normal sexual intercourse. Mere close embraces, or a coit. inter fern, is usually adequate toward complete orgasm by him. Often less than that is needed. For, one must remember that the Uranian passion is informed much by a sort of idealism, far more vivid and nervous than the sensation of normalists. The Uranian's instinct demands less of the actual physique. Usual as are buccal onanism, mutual masturbation and so on, they are not invariably instinctive to Uranian. In his more refined class he is intensely sensitive to a spiritual possession of his friend, his psychic conquest of the beauty of the male. Imagination has a powerful share in even the physical pleasure of all superior similisexualism. The bodily aspects of similisexual loves and their harm or good as compared with effects of normal sexual gratifications by Dionians, will be treated in an Appendix to this study.

Of "Active" and

There are two salient phases and temperaments in similisexualism, often not indicated by exterior detail; as has been noted. In one, the similisexualist always inclines to give himself up; instinctively makes the surrender, psychical and physical as does a woman, avoids exertion. He leaves most to his partner, even while he has strong desires and enjoyments.

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