Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/288

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As may be supposed, in Italy and Spain crimes connecting Catholic clergy with uranian habits are not rare. The recent murder of a priest in Naples (which case is before the court as these lines are written) by another ecclesiastic has proved, by the confession of the survivor to have had a homosexual liaison between the two men, and a scene of jealousy as the source of the affair, known as the Adorni-Costantini assassination.

The College of Cardinals, in very recent days, has had several members of whose philarrenic tastes gossip has been eloquent; including one distinguished politician of the cappa magna, some years deceased. Another membee of the Sacred College, a contemporary of high birth, with a distinguished career at—apparently—his back, long has had attached to his name the rumours of invincible uranianism; and a sobriquet that his political enemies have lately lent him, because of his present policy toward his church, is frequently uttered with a sarcastic accent, to mark its double meaning.

À-propos, of the Uranian clergy of the Continent, there lately appeared in the sedate and calvinistic "Journal de Genève" a cryptic little advertisement—literary?—which the present writer has not yet explained quite to his satisfaction; and so will leave to the queries of his readers: "L. Prètres Homos-Sexuels du Noviciat de jersey 2, V. Lesin-Viersère, avec documents bien détaillés, 1898-1899."

In the Greek Church, the permission to the clergy to marry lessens homosexual scandals, as it does heterosexual Ones. But such episodes are not unusual.


The Established Church of England, and the ranks of an innumerable and sectarian Protestant clergy, the

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