Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/645

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Are your nails naturally rounded or pointed, Hat, etc? Vhat color i. e. pale-red, decidedly red, etc?

Are your nates flat or full, fat or thin, compared with those of persons of your sex of similar age, and general build?

In the general outline of your leg, from the thigh down to the knee, is the effect conic and "graceful"—an even "curving" line? Or is the effect decidedly muscular and strong? Do the thighs, when you stand straight, or lie straight, and bring the legs close together, come very near to each other?—touch each other with-inside?

Are the calves fat or thin, round or flat?

Are your feet large or small, broad or narrow; and is the instep high?

Can you readily separate the great toe from its fellows by its own force?

Do you hold yourself really straight, walk erect, sit erect, etc.?

Do you walk most readily by a short step, or long stride?—slowly or quickly, or do you take somewhat, or very, "tripping" steps, of feminine sort? Do you like to run, and do you run well?

Do you like to dance, and do you take pleasure in athletics?

Do you use many gestures, nervous movements, etc., in talking? If so, apart from racial kinds, what would you say was the general style of your gestures?—viz., those most of men or of women?

Do you, think yourself, taking yourself generally, to be a muscular, active type? or do you avoid exercise as exercise considerably?

Physiognomy, and Kindred Details.

Is your colouring fair, middle-tint, dark, very dark, etc?

Is your skin soft and fine, rough or thick, sensitive or not, clear or muddy?

Are your skin and body, in general, strongly odorific? especially when you are warm?—or of little or no odour at any time?

Do you sweat easily?—if so, is the perspiration noticeably "oily"?

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