Page:Edward Prime-Stevenson - The Intersexes.djvu/649

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which (aside from love) does your sentimental nature most turn? Are they specially manly or womanly, in types?

Do you especially like children, as children? Do children instinctively like you, and come to you with confidence and affection, as if drawn naturally? Is this the case rather with boys or girls?

Would you like children of your own? Would you enjoy caring for them?

Have you in mind a clear or vague ideal of a sexual-companion who would "perfectly suit" you, but who has not yet been met? Or have you met such ideal?

Would you say that sexually you were "haunted" and "drawn-to" one special type of person?—either outwardly, or in his or her psychic personality?

If a person that you meet (or see) approaches nearly a certain type is there a quite special sexual "drawing" toward him or her?—and is passion particularly likely to stir in you? Or is your sentiment for any attractive individual, now of one, now of another type?

Do you demand a good deal of likeness to some ideal, superior sort of type, in intellect and morals and so on, in the persons you are drawn to sexually? Or do you not much seek the psychic ideal?

Is the sort of sexual relation in question, particularly if with an adult, only "at its best" in proportion to the intellectual, refined, etc., traits of your partner, along with due physical force? Or is it so exclusively physical that, when it is enjoyed and over, you feel no further attraction to the partner?

In sexual relations do you think yourself emphatically potent?

How far would you describe yourself as capable of resisting (particularly without too great discomfort and "heroism") your sexual desires?

How often should you say that it was necessary for you to have sexual intercourse, in order to be calmed and at ease?

Do you mean here exclusively similisexual intercourse, or heterosexual in part, or altogether the latter?

How is the normal sexual act performed, if ever that occurs?

Is it ordinary coition only, or otherwise?

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