Page:Egyptian self-taught (Arabic) (1914).djvu/114

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Marlborough's s«*if .Taught Series Contains classified Vocabularies and useful Phrases and Conver- sations with the ENGLISH PHONETIC PRONUNCIATION of every word so arranged that they may be learned AT A GLANCE, and a simplified Grammar. In some instances the Grammar AKAB1C BURMESE CHINESE DANISH DUTCH EGYPTIAN [Arabic] ESPH RANTO FINNISH FRENCH GERMAN GREEK (Modern) HINDUSTANI HUNGARIAN ITALIAN JAPANESE LATIN NORWEGIAN PERSIAN PORTUGUESE RUSSIAN SINHALESE SPANISH SWEDISH TAMIL TURKISH forms a separate volume. [Syrian] SELF-TAUGHT ... ,) (With Connnercia & Military Terms) (With Commercial & Trading Terms . With Fishing and Shooting Terms) i With Naval and Military Terms .> (With Fishing and Shooting Terms m (With Naval and Military Terms) , , ( ditto ditto ) , , (With Photographic & Archaeological Terms) ,, (With Naval and Military Terms) , ? ... ... ... ... ... ,i (With Naval and Military Terms) ., ( ditto d tto ) i) (With Medical & Dispensing Terms) ,, With Fishing and Shooting Terms) , . (With Commercial & Tradii g Terms) ,, ( ditto ditto ) ,, (With Naval and Military Terms) ,, (With Planting & Commercial Terms) ,, (Vocabulary for Canary Islands) ,, (With Fishing and Shooting 'I erms) „ (W T ith Planting <fe Commercial Terms) ,, (With Dictionary) GRAMMARS. SELF-TAUGHT Prices Cloth 2/6 b/- 5/- 2,6 2,6 2/6 1/6 2/6 1/6 1/6 2 6 2 6 2/6 1/6 26 1/6 2 6 2 6 2 6 26 26 1/6 26 2/6 2/6 U rapper. 21- 5/- «/- 21- 21- 21- 1/- 21- II- II- 21- 2[- 21- II- 21- 1/- 21- 21- 21- 21- 21- II- 21- 21- 21- FRENCH GRAMMAR SELF-TAUGHT 1'6 GKRMAN ,, ,, „ 1/6 HINDUSTANI,. „ „ 2/6 ITALIAN ,, „ „ 1 6 JAPANESE „ „ „ 3/- SPANISH „ ,, ,. 1/6 TAMIL ,, „ ,, 3/- SELF-TAUGHTS & GRAMMARS. (In one volume) FRENCH SELF-TAUGHT & GRAM, with KEY in paper band 3/6 GERMAN „ ,, ,, 3/6 HINDUSTANI „ „ 5/- ITALIAN „ „ ... ... 3/6 JAPANESE „ „ 7/6 SPANISH „ ,, 3/6 TAMIL „ „ 7/6 ENGLISH SELF-TAUGHT. For the FRENCH ... LAnglais sans Maitre 1/6 „ GERMANS ... Der En lische Dolmetscher 1/6 ITALIANS ... L'Inglese Imparato da Se 1'6 SPANIARDS... El Ingles para Cada Cual 1/6 Other volumes are to be issued, including English for Yiddish Speakers, &c. 1/- II- 21- 1/- 4/- 1/- 4/- 2/6 2,6 2 6 2 6 1/- II- 1/- 1/- London:— E. MARLBOROUGH & Co. Publishers, 51, Old Bailey, E.C. P.O. 627a. 7.XH.16