Page:Eight Friends of the Great - WP Courtney.djvu/212

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West Ham . PAGE 16,38 Williams, Samuel . PAGE . I48 Westminster, abbey -2I Windham, William , 20,31 „ representation Wolcot, John, Dr. , 83, 93 of . . I78 Wood, Isabella . 122 Whimple (Devonshire) .

Woodfall, George . , 96 Whiston, rev. William . -4,8 Wordsworth, William . 98 Whitbread, Samuel , 181 Worthing, beauty of . 140 White, Lydia -71 Wraxall, sir Nathaniel i> 176 Whitehall banqueting house 23 Wilberforce, William . • 32 Yates, Mary Ann, Mrs. • 95 Wilkes, John . 96 Young, Murdo . . 87 BRADBURY, AfcNEW, & CO. LD., PRINTERS, LONDON AND TONBRIDGE.