Page:Eikonoklastes - in answer to a book intitl'd Eikon basilike - Milton (1649).djvu/16

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at the rate of such a Canonizing, I shall suspect their Calendar more then the Gregorian. In one thing I must commend his op'nness who gave the Title to this Book, tiriv KuaHw) 9 that is to fay, The Kings Images and by the Shrine he dreffes out for him, certainly, would have the people come and worfhiphim. For which reafon this Anfwer alfo isintitl'd Iconoclaftes^ the famous Surname of many Greek Emperors, who in thir zeal to the command of God, after long tradition of Idolatry in the Church, tooke courage and broke all fuperftitious Images to peeces. But the people, exorbitant and exceffive in all thir motions, are prone ofttimes not to a religious onely, but to a civil kind of Idolatry in Idolizing thir Kings, though never more mtftak n in the objed of thir worfliip 5 heretofore being wont to repute for Saints, thofe faithfull and courageous Barons, who loft thir lives in the Field, making glorious Warr against Tyrants for the common Liberty^as Simon de Momfort, Earle cf Lerfefler. q against Henry the third; Thomas Vlantagenet Earle of Lavcaflcr^ againft Edward thefecond. But now with a befotted and degenerate bafenefs of fpii it, except fome few, who yet retaine in them the old Englifh fortitude and love of freedome, and have testift'd it by thir matchlefs deeds, the reft imbaftardiz'd from the ancient noblenefs of thir Ancestors, ate ready to fall flatt and give adoration to the Image and memory of this Man, who hath' ofFer'd at more cunning fetches to -undermine our Liberties and putt Tyranny into an Art, then any Brittifh King before him. Which low dejeftion and debasement
