Page:Electromagnetic phenomena.djvu/5

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As to the coefficient l, it is to be considered as a function of w, whose value is 1 for w=0, and which, for small values of w, differs from unity no more than by an amount of the second order.

The variable t' may be called the local time; indeed, for k=1, l=1 it becomes identical with what I have formerly understood by this name.

If, finally, we put

, (7)
, (8)

these latter quantities being considered as the components of a new vector , the equations take the following form:


The meaning of the symbols div' and rot' in (9) is similar to that of div and rot in (2); only, the differentiations with respect to x, y, z are to be replaced by the corresponding ones with respect to x', y', z' .

§ 5. The equations (9) lead to the conclusion that the vectors and may be represented by means of a scalar potential φ and a vector potential . These potentials satisfy the equations [1]

, (11)
. (12)

and in terms of them and are given by

  1. M. E., §§ 4 and 10.