Page:Electronics Technician - Volume 7 - Antennas and Wave Propagation - NAVEDTRA 14092.pdf/116

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3-9. Maximum transfer of energy from the source to the transmission line takes place when what impedance relationship exists between the source and the transmission line?

  1. When the load impedance equals the source impedance
  2. When the load impedance is twice the source impedance
  3. When the load impedance is half the source impedance
  4. When the load impedance is one-fourth the source impedance

3-10. Which of the following sets of terms represents a type of loss in a transmission line?

  1. I2R and induction only
  2. Induction and dielectric only
  3. Dielectric and radiation only
  4. I2R, induction, and dielectric

3-11. Skin effect is classified as which of the following types of loss?

  1. Copper
  2. Voltage
  3. Induction
  4. Dielectric

3-12. What transmission—line loss is caused by magnetic lines of force not returning to the conductor?

  1. Copper
  2. Radiation
  3. Induction
  4. Dielectric

3-13. When a dc voltage is applied to a transmission line and the load absorbs all the energy, what is the resulting relationship between current and voltage?

  1. They are in phase with each other
  2. They are equal to Zo the line
  3. They are out of phase with each other
  4. They are evenly distributed along the line

3-14. The initial waves that travel from the generator to the load of a transmission line are referred to as what type of waves?

  1. Incident
  2. Refracted
  3. Reflected
  4. Diffracted

3-15. Waves that travel from the output end to the input end of a transmission line are referred to as what type of waves?

  1. Incident
  2. Refracted
  3. Reflected
  4. Diffracted

3-16. The ratio of maximum voltage to minimum voltage on a transmission line is referred to as the

  1. rswr
  2. pswr
  3. vswr
  4. iswr

3-17. Which of the following ratios samples the magnetic field along a line?

  1. Vszr
  2. Pswr
  3. Iswr
  4. Rswr

3-18. Which of the following lines is NOT a transmission medium?

  1. Load line
  2. Coaxial line
  3. Two—wire open line
  4. Twisted—pair line

3-19. Electrical power lines are most often made of which of the following types of transmission lines?

  1. Twin—lead line
  2. Shielded—pair line
  3. Two—wire open line
  4. Two—wire ribbon line