Page:Elementary Chinese - San Tzu Ching (1900).djvu/121

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It was originally the twenty-fourth part of an ounce, equal to the weight of 100 grains of millet, but now = 1/16 of a 斤 (line 3) and is classed under radical 入 ju to enter.

Chin was originally composed of 日 jih sun beneath a contraction of 至 chih to arrive, duplicated, and meant to go in. It was explained thus: "When the sun comes out, all things go in." It here stands for the Western Chin dynasty, A.D. 265—317, and the Eastern Chin, A.D. 317—420, so called because their capitals were at 洛陽 Lo-yang in Honan and 南京 Nanking in Kiangsu, respectively.

227. Then followed the Sung and the Ch'i dynasties,
Sung4 ch'i2 chi4
Sung ch'i connect

Sung is composed of 宀 mien shelter as radical and 木 mu wood, and originally meant a hut, a dwelling. It is now a common surname, and here stands for a dynasty, A.D. 420—479, generally known as the 劉宋 Liu Sung, from the surname of its founder, to distinguish it from the great Sung dynasty (line 251).

Ch'i under its old form was a picture of ears of grain growing up level, and was intended to express the idea of evenness. It is here the name of a dynasty, A.D. 479—502.

Chi is composed of 糸 ssŭ silk and an old word which meant broken turned round as though mended; hence its meanings, to splice, to continue a line.

228. and after them the Liang and Ch'ên dynasties.
Liang2 ch'ên2 ch'êng2
Liang ch'ên receive

Liang is composed of 木 mu wood as radical, with 水 shui water, and 刅 ch'uang to wound (= 創 line 242) as phonetic. It means