Page:Elementary Chinese - San Tzu Ching (1900).djvu/157

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phonetic composed of 心 hsin heart or mind below a picture of a window and signifying fluttered, hurried.

Min is composed of 攴 p'u to tap as radical and 每 mei which originally meant luxuriant vegetation and now means each, every.

321. You boys
Erh3 nan2 tzŭ3
You male child

Erh see line 297.

Nan is composed of 田 t'ien fields as radical and li strength; q.d. he who uses strength in the fields, a man.

Tzŭ see line 11. [This line has obvious reference to line 319, and the 子 tzŭ has the same value in each.]

322. ought to rouse yourselves.
Tang1 tzŭ4 ching3
Ought self warn

Tang see line 36.

Tzŭ see line 93.

Ching is composed of 言 yen words as radical, with 敬 ching to respect as phonetic. It is also written 儆. [Eitel translates these lines by "How much more then ye, male children, ought ye, whilst young, to accomplish." No such words as "young" or "accomplish" are found in any good edition.]

323. Liu Yen of the T'ang dynasty,
T'ang2 liu2 yen4
T'ang liu yen

T'ang see line 183.

Liu means to slay, but is here a surname. It does not occur in the Shuo Wên, though another form of it has been suspected under radical 金 chin metal. It is now classed under radical 刀 tao knife.