Page:Elementary Chinese - San Tzu Ching (1900).djvu/194

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[These eight lines were inserted by some unknown writer of the Ming dynasty.]

254α. Then the bearded Yüans waxed powerful,
Hu2 yüan2 shêng4
Beard yüan prosperous

Hu is composed of 肉 jou flesh as radical and 古 ku ancient (line 261) as phonetic. It originally meant dewlap, and having the same sound as the common word for beard, was applied contemptuously to the large beards of the Mongols.

Yüan see lines 94, 254E.

Shêng see line 186.

254β. and destroyed the Liao and Chin dynasties.
Mieh4 liao2 chin1
Destroy liao chin

Mien see line 245.

Liao see line 254A.

Chin see line 254A.

254γ. They took over the sceptre of the Sungs,
Ch'êng2 sung4 tung3
Receive sung clue

Ch'êng see line 228.

Sung see line 227.

T'ung see line 238.