Page:Elementary algebra (1896).djvu/21

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the coefficient of . A coefficient which is not merely numerical is sometimes called a literal coefficient.

Note. When the coefficient is unity it is usually omitted, and we write simply , instead of .

7. A power of a quantity is the product obtained by repeating that quantity any number of times as a factor, and is expressed by writing the number of factors to the right of the quantity and above it. Thus,

is called the second power of , and is written ;

is called the third power of , and is written ;

The index or exponent is the number which expresses the power of any quantity. Thus , , are respectively the indices of , , .

Note. is usually read " squared"; is read " cubed"; is read " to the fourth"; and so on.

When the index is unity it is omitted, and we write simply , instead of . Thus , , , and all have the same meaning.

8. The beginner must be careful to distinguish between coefficient and index.

Ex. 1. What is the difference in meaning between and ?

By we mean the product of the quantities and ,

By we mean the product of the quantities , , .

Thus, if ,


Ex. 2. If , distinguish between and .

whereas .

Ex. 3. If , find the value of .


Note. The beginner should observe that every power of 1 is 1.

Ex. 4. If , , find the value of .
