Page:Elements of Hindu Law.djvu/19

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The following work originates in the possession of a mass of opinions, upon points of Hindu law, delivered by their Pandits, on references by the courts dispersed in the territories dependant on the government of Madras. They were, at the desire of the author, transmitted to him for his information, from time to time, by various Company's judges, through a period of several) years, during which he exercised the judicial office under the Royal Charter at that Presidency ; and, having been subsequently seen, and commented. upon by Mr. Colebrooke, and, in some instances, by Mr. Sutherland of Bengal, as well as by the late Mr.. Ellis of Madras, their respective "Remarks," obtained upon, and annexed to them, seemed to render them documents of too great value, not to be turned, in some way or other, to public account; more especially considering how little was known of Hindu law at the time, in that part of India. At first, and during the author's continuance in India, nothing was in contemplation, beyond a selection of the papers alluded to, under some convenient arrangement. But, . subsequent to his quitting it, and return to Europe, the possession of leisure, with the desire to be useful, gradually suggested a compilation, i that might more, effectually