Page:Elements of the Differential and Integral Calculus - Granville - Revised.djvu/160

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Passing to the limit as diminishes towards zero, we get[1]

(30) .
In the notation of differentials this becomes
(31) .

These relations between and the differentials ds, dp, and are correctly represented by a right triangle whose hypotenuse is ds and whose sides are and . Then

and dividing by gives (30).

Denoting by the angle between and , we get at once

which is the same as (A), §67.

Illustrative Example 1. Find the differential of the arc of the circle .

Solution. Differentiating, .
To find ds in terms of x we substitute in (27), giving

To find ds in terms of y we substitute in (28), giving

Illustrative Example 2. Find the differential of the arc of the cardioid in terms of .

Solution. Differentiating,
Substituting in (31), gives

  1. By (G), §90
    . By §22
    . By 39, §1, and §22.