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Printers and Publishers of Industrial Union Literature.
Read the following:
- "The I. W. W.; Its History, Structure and Methods." By Vincent St. John. Price 10 cents.
- "Why Strikes Are Lost; How to Win." By Wm. E. Trautmann. Price 5 cents.
- "The Farm Laborer and the City Worker." By Edward McDonald. Price 5 cents.
- "Eleven Blind Leaders; or Practical Socialism and Revolutionary Tactics." By B. H. Williams. Price 10c.
- "Patriotism and the Worker." By Gustave Herve. Price 10 cents.
- "Political Parties and the I. W. W." By Vincent St. John.
- "Getting Recognition." By A. M. Stirton.
- "Two Kinds of Unionism." By Edward Hammond.
- "Appeal to Wage Workers, Men and Women." By E. S. Nelson.
- "Union Scabs and Others." By Oscar Ameringer.
- "War and the Workers." By Walker C. Smith.
- "Why the A. F. of L. Cannot Become an Industrial Union." By Vincent St. John.
Each of above leaflets, 15 cents per hundred;
$1.25 per thousand.
Address all orders to
P. O. Box 622,– – – –New Castle, Pa.