Page:Eleventh annual report of the Association for the Religious Instruction of the Negroes, in Liberty County, Georgia.djvu/14

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coloured population? Stall all the seed thus sown in young and susceptible minds be lost? Shall the many fervent prayers offered to God by pious and engaged Teachers receive no answer from the Lord? We dare not believe it. Though fruit appear not to reward our labours now, yet we will in faith, "cast our bread upon the waters for we shall find it after many days." I have not ascertained the exact number of owners who statedly instruct the children and youth on ther own Plantations. Would that this duty were more generally felt and performed.

Plantation Meetings.—I have visited during the year twenty one Plantations: but in consequence of a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs I was not able to complete the half of my usual Plantation preaching and instruction during the Winter and Spring. Repeated attempts followed by relapses determined me to cease for a time. If health be granted I hope to accomplish the usual amount of labour on Plantations the present year. The experience gathered from long acquaintance with our field of labour, convinces me more and more of the great utility and necessity of Plantation meetings. I grant that, it is, when diligently pursued a laborious and self-denying. service, and one attended with much exposure to health. Yet these are not sufficient reasons for its neglect. The necessity for this service is laid in the following facts namely:—there are many old and decrepid negroes who are unable to attend public worship: and there are many worldly persons and even church members who habitually absent themselves from the house of God, except perhaps on Communion Sabbaths. This is very frequently the case with suspended, excommunicated and apostate church members. There are many, old and young, who from year to year do not hear the Gospel except when it is preached on the Plantations where they reside. How shall all these be reached if Plantation preaching be laid aside? Besides, the catechising of children at their own homes and addresses to parents: and special appeals to Christians and impenitent persons, awaken attention impress duties and reprove sins; and the word of the Lord is often blessed if not to conversion, then to conviction, and the result is, that religion and morality are sustained and strengthened on the Plantations and our Sabbath Congregations and Schools are more punctually and fully attended. And let me add another fact: Plantation meetings are one grand means of interesting Masters and*