Page:Elizabeth's Pretenders.djvu/206

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Elizabeth's Pretenders

—was extremely annoying. Bohemia was not his sphere; he would be horribly out of keeping with all his surroundings; he would not understand them, nor they him; and his attitude towards herself might exasperate her to the point of rudeness, she foresaw.

Hatty was seated, looking white and exhausted, as her friend approached. She asked no question, but read Elizabeth's discomposure in her face.

"That was an acquaintance whom I would have given a great deal not to have met—and I should not have met him if I hadn't come here stupidly at this hour," she said.

"I am sorry! It was my fault!"

"Oh, you couldn't tell, Hatty! It was no one's fault but mine. And the worst of it is, he declares he is coming to take a room at Madame Martineau's!"

There was a quick gleam of intelligence in the American girl's eyes, behind her glasses.

"In that case, I suppose I may ask what his name is?"

Elizabeth hesitated a moment; and her hesitation did not pass unobserved. Then she said, "Elton."

"What is he come here to do?"

"He says to study French jurisprudence."

"Is he clever?"

"Yes. He took honours at Oxford, has read for the Bar, and has now taken up politics."

"And you do not like him? Why?"

"I don't say I dislike him. I didn't want to meet him—that's all. I came here to work, and I don't want to meet any one."

"Let us go home, then," she said with a smile, "for fear we should meet any one else."