Page:Elizabeth's Pretenders.djvu/219

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"What do you think of this new Englishman?" asked Hatty of her brother, a day or two after his arrival. She was still confined to her room.

"Oh! he is better than the other. I would rather trust him of the two, though he has a bad manner—like most Englishmen. But he is clever, I suppose."

"Does she seem to like him?"

"She? Do you mean Miss Shaw? I am sure I don't know. Either he or that fellow George are always buzzing about her. I should say that, of the two, she preferred George."

"She certainly was annoyed at Mr. Elton's coming here."

"She told you so?"

"Have you heard if Mr. George is really going away?"

"No. It does not much signify. If it is not he, it will be another—dancing attendance on her."

"She sees nothing of Monsieur Doucet, I am sure, now?"

"Naturally. But, as I told her the other day, she will throw one after the other to the wolves—these Englishmen with the rest, in time."