Page:Elizabeth Elstob - An English-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory.djvu/101

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Birth-Day of S. Gregory.

Caj-epej" lieah gepeca Emperor's * High Marfhal Depm^nur gelaehre J)o- Germanus intercepted the ne piftol "J hme ro tap. Letter and tore it in pieces, •] ri^]>an cy5be ))am Ca- and afterwards told the Em- j-epe J)asr call ];>ar pole peror that all the People had Erpejopmm ro papam chofen Gregory to be Pope, gecopen hxybt> CQau- Then Mauricms the Empe- piciuf J)a re Eaj-epe ]>a)- ror returned thanks to Al- Erobe jpanco&e. ^ hme mighty God for this^and gave ha&ian hat > li)}^2dt ]>a Orders for his Confecration- us Hkewife that they have much the fame Notion in the Word Com- fere. And the mod celebrated Wits of France^ not having refufed to ftoop to fo low and familiar a way of delivering their Explications, they feem as it were to make my Apology, for the vulgar and lefs polite kind of Expreffions, I have been obliged to make ufe of in the foregoing Comparifons. Nom d'aliiance [pmtuelle qui fe domie par un homme^ fy par m fcmwe a celuy^ qui a tenu fur les fonds quelqu'un de leurs enfans^ iy redproquement par le parrain a celul dont on a tenu un des enfants fur les fonds^ fy an pere du mefme enfant. Cejl mon cotnpere^ il a tenu un de mes enfants, Cejl won compere^ fay tenu un de ces enfants. Il ejl mon compere^ fay tenu un enfant avec luy. That the Saxon Word Fscbepa is to be underdood according to this Acceptation , may very fairly be conjeftured from GregoriiPsTuronenfis^ from whofe Words the 6'^ixo;i Horn ili ft fecms to have trandated the whole Paffage, which is thus cited by the Bene- divines : Gregorian Turonenfis refert^ San^um Diuconum fiUum Afauri- cii Augufti fbaud duhie natu majoremj ex lavacro facro fufcepijfe^ dum ConJiantinopoU adhuc moraretur : quod quantum et fuerit perhonorificum^ nullus ejl qui non inteWgat. Gregory of Tours relates, that the Holy Deacon ftood Godfather at the facred Font to the Son oi Mauri cim the Emperor (no doubt his t^t^) while he was yet rcfident at Confianti- nopje : Which thing how great an Honour it was to him, no one can be ignorant. Lib. x. c. i.

  • By GregoriHS Turonenfts^ and Paul, Diac. he is ftiled FrsifeBia

Vrh'H ; and the former fpeaks of m as a near Relation or Brother to St. Gregory : That St. Gregory had fuch a Brother, the Benedi^ines prove from his Epiftles, concerning which fee pheir Life of him, 1. 1. c. I, n. 5.