Page:Elizabeth Elstob - An English-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory.djvu/106

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An Homily on the

jajv me > Hob yylp '^ God himfelf is his own If hif gepira "f he milt;- " fian piUe him ro clypi enbum. je ]>e mana^ '^ pe him ro clypian pceo- lon :• Fop ]>i mine ge- hpo^pu ]>a ' leofoptan. Uron gecumon on J>am peop^an ba^ge J>ijT^pe pucan on a:pne 'mopi ^en ^ mi5 ertpullum ino&e ^ ' reapan fingan yeoponpeabe Letaniaj- ]>xio re ptpeca 5enia u; ^eapige J)onne he ^e- Xyh'S -p pe H'^F ^P^ gyltap ppeca^ :• Gop- nordice J)a ])a peo mi- ceh meniju ^g^ep ge the whole Multitude, as well ' leoperran, CH. * mepigen. C.R reapum. C.H.

  • Thefe are the Courfes of the feven folemn Litanies or Pro-

Certions which were appointed by St. Gregory. The Firft, that of the Clergy, began from the Church of St. John BaptJfly the Second, that of the Men^ from the Church of the BlefTed Martyr St< Marcel- Iw ; the Third, that of the Mons, from the Church of the Martyrs, Sr. John and Sr. Paul ; the Fourth, that of the J^uns^ from the Church of the Blcffed Martyrs, Sr. Co[mu:s and Vamianus ; the Fifth, that of the Married Women, from the Church of the firft Bleffed Martyr Sr. Stephen -, the Sixth, that of the Widorvs, from the Church of the BlefTed Martyr VHalii -, the Seventh, that of the Foor, and of Infants^ from the Church of the BlefTed Martyr Cdicilia. Under this fevenfold Denomination was the whole Body of the People comprehended, that thafe of every degree might be employed and have their fhare in that general Penance and Humiliation, for the averting that fevere Judgment which was fallen upon all Degrees and Ages. This folemn Peprjca?* Witnefs, that he will have " compaffion on him that " calleth on him ^ who ad- "monifhes us, that it is " our Duty to call upon " him. For this caufe, my

  • ' moft dearly beloved Bre-

" threil , let us come toge- " ther on the fourth Day of this Week early in the Morning, and with a de-

  • ' vout Mind^and withTears,

" ^ fing fei^en Litanies, that our angry Judge may fpare us, when he feeth that we our felves take vengeance

  • ' on our Sins. So that whilft

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