Page:Elizabeth Elstob - An English-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory.djvu/109

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Birth-Day of S. Gregory.

Laupentiur. Perpuf. Jo- hannej*. Juftuj* :• Dsef la- peopaf afenbe fc eabi^a papa Gpejopiuf mb ma- nijum o^purn munecum ro Kngelcynne. ;j hi |)i- f uni popbum to }>^pe pa- pe tihte, Ne beon ge a- " j^yphre ))uph ^^ej-pmc J>2er

  • Jan5yumej-pa))ele)e]"o])'5e
lan^ruman. C H. 

rentius, g Petrus, Johannes, Juſtus. Theſe Doctors the Holy Pope Gregory ſent, with many other Monks, to the Engliſh People , and he perſuaded them to the Voyage in theſe Words : "h Be not ye afraid thro' the Fatigue of ſo long a Journey, or thro' what

Non. of February and was buried near St. Augustine in the Church of St. Fe^er and St. Paul^ without the Walls of the City oi Canterbury. He was fucceeeed by Mellitus^ who was tranflaccd from London^ ruled the See five Years, dyed the viii^'^ Cal. May^ and was buried with his PredecefTors. Juflus Biftiop of Roche f^er fucceeded him, to whom Pope Boniface writes in this manner. By the Authority of St, Peter we firmly enjoin^ that the City of Canterbury flmll be the Metropolis of all Britain. This 7/(/?^j' 'ordain'd F^wZ/nw^ A rchbifliop of the Northum- brians y by whofe Preaching King £^tt?7« and his People having received Baptifm, Edvpin in the Eleventh Year of his Reign gave Paulinus the City of Tork for the Seat of his Arclibifhoprick. See Stephen Birching-' tons Lives of the ArchbiHiDps of Canterbury^ AtigL Sacr, Fart. i. p. 2. Bede's Ecclef Uij}. and the reft of our Church Hiftorians, 5 Petrus was the firifl Abbot of the Monaftery of St. Peter and St. Paul, in the Suburbs of Canterbury, Bede EccL Hijl. lib. i . cap. 93. ^ Augufline and his Followers, after they had made feme progrefs on their Journey, being fore afraid, and difcouraged, chofe rather to return home, than to venture among a favagc, barbarous, and unbe- lieving People, with whofe Manners they were unacquainred, and whofe Language they did not fo much as underftand ; And (b refol- ving on a Retreat, they immediately difpatch Auguftine, (who was de- fign'd to be their Bifhop in cafe the EngUfl) fhould receive them) to St. Gregory, with all humility to befeech him, that he wou'd aoc oblige them to undertake fo dangerous, laborious, and uncertain an Expedition ; to whom he fends Letters of Exhortation to encourage , them in the Work they had begun ; Which Letters arc to the effei^ ■ above fpecified. See Bedc^ EccL Kift* lib. ?. ca^. 22» '