Page:Elizabeth Elstob - An English-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory.djvu/113

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Birth-Day of S. Gregory.

him bebea5. ^ he])uj}h gory had ordered him^ and ]>2epa pealhfto5a mu'S he by the Mouths of the In- J?am cyninje ^ hij* leo6e terpreters , preached God's Dobej- pop6 bo&o&e. hu Word to the Kmg and his jre mibheopra h^len5 People, x;/;2S. "* How our mer- mi& hif a^enpe }>po- ciful Saviour by his own agnofcerCy iy voluntates admonitme fua^ quantum Dens dohavertty ad* JHvare. Whom we enjoin to take vvuh them from the Neighbour- hood feme Presbyters, that they may know the Minds of the P'^ople^ and to forward their Intentions by their Advice, as God fhall give them Abilifv. Auguf'me% firft coming over was in the ilixth Year of C/r^^r/s Pon- tificate the fourteenth of the Reign of Maurkius the Emperor, and the Year of Chrid $$6. as may be feen in Bedels EccU Htfi. I'lb.u cap, 23.

  • " This firft Sermon of Sc. Auguftine^ Gofceline gives us more at large

to this efFeft. " He preaches co him, God the Creator of all things ;

  • ^ and that the Almighty Son of God did fo hve Mankind that was

'* made by Him, that preferving his Deity uninjur'd, he vouchfafed

    • to be made Man, and the Son of Man, that being redeemed by

^^ his Blocd, he might make Men become the Sons of God : At whofe " Nativity a new Star appeared : To whofe Feet the Sea being ren» " der'd pafTable, was fubfervient: Ac the Indignity of whofe Paf- '* fion the Sun hid his Rays : Ac whofe Burial and Refurrcftiott, the ^* whole Earth trembled and was amaxed. The fame, fays he, is " the Lord Je/w, declared to be the Son of God, from the begin-

  • ' ing of the World, by all the Patriarchs and Prophets j conceived
    • by the Holy Ghoft, born of a Virgin, and declared every Where by

^* innumerable Miracles to be both God and Man ^ and now believed

    • in, and known and received as the Saviour of all Men by all Na-

'^tions. Him therefore, his Love exciting us, by which he laid

    • down his Life for us, and by which we defire with our moft
  • ' earned AfFeftions, co have you Partners with us in his Everlafl-
  • ' ing Kingdom, as we are all the Offspring of one Man ; Him, I fay^
  • ^ the Maker and Saviour of all Mankind, in whom if ye believe ye
    • (hall be faved^ we preach toyoti; becaufe without doubt the pro-

^^ mifed Rewards (hall truly be received by all that believe, and infi-

  • « nice Puni(hments be infli<^led upon all that (hall (hew their Cq»-

^^ tempt, Hijf* Min, cbaf. lo. AngL Sacr. Part IL p. 5p> F