Page:Elizabeth Elstob - An English-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory.djvu/120

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An Homily on the

•jbebeab ;phir^prep5en- and ordered that his She- gar j-ymlle 'p j>a2r pal- ceflors fhould fetch the hum •] ])one epcehabe xic Pall of the Archbilhoprick J)am Kporrolican retde from the Apoftolical See i. The firfl Book in the Library is Gregory's Bible in two Volumes, the firft of which hath in the firft Page this Kubrick, De Caphiitis- I'lbYi Oenefeos. The fecond begins ^ Frologt) beati Jferorymi fuper Tfaiam Frophetam. In the beginning of the faid Volumes certain Leaves are infcrtcd, fome of a Purple and fome of a Rofe Colour, which held againfl the Light, (hew a wonderful Reflexion. IL In the fame Library is the Pfalter of Sc. Augufi'm^ which (7re- gary fent to him ; in the firfl of which certain devout Meditations begin with thefe Notes: Eccc quantum fpaciatm fum in memoria mea^ ^c. to the fifth Page, where it begins, Omnh fcriptura divmtus infpirata. And in the other part of the fame Leaf is Symbolum Jipollolorum y Oratto Dominica^ Gloria in Excelfis ^ arid sTT. s7s. s77. fyc. In the fixth Fol. begins the Pfalcer^ at the End of the fame Pfalter are Hymns^ as well for the Night as for the Day. The firfl Hymn for Midnight is this, Medi^ noltis tcmpiu efl. The fecond at the Cock crowing, EternA rerum conditor. For the Mattins, Splendor paterna Gloria. At Prime, Venite fratres ocyw. At the Third Hour, Jamfurgit hora tertia. At the Sixth Hour, Bis ternas ho- ras explicans. At the Ninth Hour, Ter bora terna volvitur. At the Ve- fpers, Dem creator omnium. At the Compline, te deprecamur^ Vomine. In Lent, Xpe^ qui lux es fy dies. The Hymn for the Lord*s Day^ Kex ditertie Domine. The Hymn for the Birth-day of our Lord, In" tende qui regis Ifrael fuper cherubin^ qui fedes a patre €Jfi7 excita potentiam tuam <fy vent. And another for the fame occafion, Vent redemptor gentium^ unto the End. The Hymn for Eafler, Nic eft dies verus Dei. The Feflivals of the Apollles Sc, Peter and St. Paul^ Apo- fiolorum paffio ; of Sr, Jfohn the Evangelifl, Am^^re Chrifti mbilis. III. In the Veflry is alfo a Book of the Gofpeh, in the beginning of which are the Ten Canons, and it is called , Textus S. M'tldredA j The fame which a certain Country-man fwearing falfly upon in Tha* net^ loft both his Eyes. IV, There is alfo another Pfalter placed upon the Table of the High Altar, which hath on its Out-fide the Pi^lure of Chrift in Sil- ver, with the four Evangelifts* The firft Leaf of this Pfaker bepjns^ Omnis fcriptura divinitus infpirata* In the third Leaf begins, Epiftola Vamafi PapA ad Jeronimum^ with the Verfcs of Vamafus at the end. And