Page:Elizabeth Elstob - An English-Saxon homily on the birth-day of St. Gregory.djvu/82

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An Homily on the

deorfum & halgum
gecnyrdnyssum Godes
rice geræliglice artah჻
He is rihtlice Engli-
scene ðeode Apostol.
for ðan þe he þurh his
ræde[1] & rande us fram
deofles biggengum æt
bræd. & to godes gelea-
fan gebigde჻ Manige
halige bec cyðað his
mæran drohtnunge &
his halig lif. [2] & eac
istoria Anglorum þa
þe Ælfred cyning of
leden on Englisc awend჻
deo bec sprecð ge-
noh swutelice be þissum
halgum were჻ Nu wille
we þeah sum ðing

bours and Divine Studies,
happily ascended to God's
Kingdom. He is rightly
call'd the Apostle of the
English People; inasmuch
as he through his Counsel
and Commission rescued us
from the Worship of the
Devil, and converted us to
the Belief of God. Many
holy Books speak of his il-
lustrious conversation and
his pious life; among these
the History of England,
which King Ælfred trans-
lated from the Latin into
English. This Book speak-
eth plainly enough of this
holy Man. Nevertheless
we will now say something

    that of her great Apostle St. Gregory. This appears from an antient Kalendar, or Menologium, wherein we find the Day to be thus fixed, ad 12 Martii. See the Appendix.

  1. ræd. Cod. Hatt.
  2. This is a remarkable Testimony of the Royal Translation of Bede’s Ecclesiastical History out of Latin into English, or into Saxon by King Ælfred, which Mr. Whelock, in his Preface to the Reader, introduces with no less Authority than that of the Saxon Church; and that with very good reafon, the Church having appointed this Homily to be read upon the Festival of St. Gregory; his words are these, Rem vero confirmat Ecclesia Saxonica. iv Iduum Martii Sancti Gregorii Papæ Urbis Romane Inclyti Maniga halige bec, &c. The Sermon from whence he quotes this Rubrick is referr'd to by him in the Margin, under this Title, Serm. Cath. MS. Sax. Bibl. Publ. Cantabr. pag. 300.