Page:Emancipate your colonies!.djvu/14

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so different from your own? When will you ever see them? When will they ever see you? If they suffer, will their cries ever wound your ears? Will their wretchedness ever meet your eyes? What time have you to think about them? Pressed by so many important objects that are at your door, how uninteresting will be the tale that comes from St. Domingo or Martinique?

What is it you want to govern them for? What? but to monopolize and cramp their trade. What is it they can want you to govern them for?—Defence?—their only ger is from you.

Do they like to be governed by you? ask them and you will know. Yet why ask them, as if you did not know? They may be better pleased to be governed by you than by any body else; but is it possible they should not be still better pleased to be governed by themselves?—A minority among them might choose rather to be governed by you than by their antagonists, the majority: but is it for you to protect minorities?—A majority, which did not feel itself so strong as it could wish, might wish to borrow a little strength of you:—but for the

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