Page:Emancipate your colonies!.djvu/56

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POSTSCRIPT, 24 June, 1829

An argument, that had not as yet presented itself to the view of the Author when penning the accompanying Tract, is furnished by the consideration of the quantity of the matter of good, operating to the effect of corruption, in the shape of patronage.

As a citizen of Great Britain and Ireland, he is thereby confirmed in the same opinions, and accordingly in the same wishes. But, as a citizen of the British Empire, including the sixty millions already under its Government in British India, and the forty millions likely to be under its Government in the vicinity of British India, not to speak of the one hundred and fifty millions, as some say, or three hundred millions, as the Russians say, of the contiguous Empire of China,—his opinions and consequent wishes are the reverse. So likewise, regard being had to the Colonization of Australia; especially, if the account given of the intended settlement on the Swan River in the Quarterly Review for April, 1829, and from it in the