Page:Emanuel Swedenborg, Scientist and Mystic.djvu/384

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Emanuel Swedenborg
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3. Swedenborg, Sp.D., 4717.
4. Swedenborg, The Infinite and the Final Cause of Creation, tr. by J. J. Garth Wilkinson (London, 1908), p. 3.
5. A. H. Stroh, The Cartesian Controversy at Uppsala, etc. (Heidelberg. Sonderabdrück aus den Verhandlungen des III internationale Kongresses für Philosophie, 1908).
6. John Veitch, The Philosophy of Descartes (New York, Tudor).
7. Stroh, op. cit.
8. For Swedenborg and student life, see Constitutiones Nationis Dalekarlo-Vettmannicae, Jämte gre någre anteckningar om Emanuel Swedenborgs studentertid i Uppsala, 1699-1709 (Uppsala, 1910, utgifna af Vestmanlandsdala Nation).
9. Ibid.
10. Book at Library, Bryn Athyn, with his name and the date written on it by Swedenborg.
11. See translations and annotations by Professor Enoch Price in N.P. from October, 1931, to January, 1935 (Bryn Athyn, Pa.).
12. Nordensköld, History of Biology.
13. Mrs. Alfred H. Stroh, widow of the fine Swedenborgian scholar, possesses this painting. It is anonymous, both as to painter and subject, but Stroh was convinced that the tradition was correct which said the painting represented Swedenborg, and if it is compared with the Bernigroth engraving and with the Per Krafft d.ä. painting at Gripsholm one cannot but agree.
14. See Frans Bengtsson, Karl XII, a brilliant study of the king, while for the period's general history see C. Grimberg, Svenska folkets underbara öden, Vols. IV, V, VI Stockholm, Norstedt).
15. Disputatio Academica Emanuelis Swedbergii. Photostat original ed. (Stockholm).
16. C.L.
17. Bengtsson, op. cit.
18. For the letters of Swedenborg, beginning with the one written July 13, 1709, the excellent translations, with notes, by Dr. Alfred Acton have been made use of. They are published in the issues of N.P. from January, 1938, and still continuing. The current issue (January, 1947) brings the translations up to 1745.


1. Wilmarth S. Lewis, Three Tours through London (New Haven, Yale University Press, 1941).
2. John Gay, cited by Walter Besant, London in the 18th Century.
3. Lewis, op. cit.
4. Swedenborgs Drömmar.
5. Suggested by E. A. G. Kleen in his Swedenborg (Stockholm, 1917, 1920).
6. Alfred Acton, op. cit.
7. Dr. C. P. Oliver, Director of the Flower Observatory.
8. Chronological List, Bryn Athyn Library, no. 4.
9. "Minor Poems of Swedenborg," tr. by Frank Sewall, N.P., April, 1916.
10. Tr. by Alfred Acton, N.P., January, 1940. See also for illustrated descriptions: The Mechanical Inventions of Emanuel Swedenborg, tr. and ed. by Acton (Philadelphia, Swedenborg Scientific Assoc., 1939).


1. Bengtsson, Karl XII.
2. N.P., January,, 1940, p. 266.
3. N.P., April, 1940, p. 299.
4. N.P., July, 1940, p. 347.
5. "Assessor Swedenborg," by S. C. Odhner, N.C.L., p. 228.